離散的手法による場と時空のダイナミクス 2023


講演者 タイトル
真鍋征秀 Recursion Relations for (2,p) Minimal String [PDF]
Worapat Piensuk Surprising aspects of the bosonic Lorentzian IKKT matrix model with the mass term [PDF]
山森直幸 The analysis of the bosonic Lorentzian IKKT matrix model at large D [PDF]
三浦光太郎 Lattice QCD for Muon g-2 Precision Physics and Frontier
秋山進一郎 Tensor renormalization group approach to higher-dimensional quantum fields on a lattice [PDF]
桑原 孝明 Renormalization group and quantum error correction
綿引芳之 The Causality Road from DT to QG that describes our Universe [PDF]
浮田尚哉 Perturbative analysis of the Wess-Zumino flow [PDF]
河本昇 A Possible Formulation of Exact Lattice SUSY for all Super Charges of Lattice Super Yang-Mills [PDF]
渡辺展正 Searching the optimal matrix configurations by Replica-Exchange Monte Carlo methods for matrix models [PDF]
松浦壮 GWW Phase Transition in Induced QCD on the Graph [PDF]
宗博人 Lattice supersymmetry and a discrete time approach to Parisi-Wu stochastic quantization
笹倉直樹 Tensor eigenvalue distributions through field theoretical methods [PDF]
福間将文 Applying the Worldvolume Hybrid Monte Carlo method to dynamical fermion systems
菅野聡 Matrix regularization for gauge fields and Seiberg-Witten map [PDF]
佐古彰史 Recent developments in Grosse-Wulkenhaar model from an integrability perspective [PDF]
菅野颯人 Tensor renormalization group calculation for 2-flavor Schwinger model
浅野侑磨 Perturbative superstring theory and the IKKT matrix model [PDF]
