
2025”N3ŒŽ27“ϊ@International workshop on string field theory and related aspects,

(Mar 17-28, 2025 Old SISSA building, Trieste, Italy)

gStrebel differentials and string field theoryh


2024”N11ŒŽ12“ϊ@gMirzakhani-McShane identity and String field theoryh



2024”N9ŒŽ17“ϊ@gStrebel differentials and string field theoryh



2023”N9ŒŽ18“ϊ@gThe Fokker-Planck formalism for closed bosonic stringsh



2023”N3ŒŽ9“ϊ SFT@Cloud Journal Club  gThe Fokker-Planck formalism for closed bosonic stringsh


2023”N2ŒŽ10“ϊ@YITP seminar, gThe Fokker-Planck formalism for closed bosonic stringsh


2022”N12ŒŽ19“ϊ@2022 NTU-Kyoto high energy physics workshop/Kawai Fest (Dec. 17-20 2022, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

 gThe Fokker-Planck formalism for closed bosonic stringsh


2022”N11ŒŽ28“ϊ@‰F’ˆŽjŒ€‹†ƒZƒ“ƒ^[2022 ”N“x‘ζ 2 ‰ρ\¬ˆυ‰ο‹cE¬‰Κ•ρ&Œπ—¬‰ο

gThe Fokker-Planck formalism for closed stringsh


2022”N9ŒŽ22“ϊ@Nonperturbative Analysis of Quantum Field Theory and its Applications (Sept. 22 2022, Osaka University, Japan)

gOnogi-san as a string theoristh


2020”N6ŒŽ9“ϊ@Workshop on fundamental aspects of string theory

(June 1-12 2020, ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil)

gSFT for noncritical strings revisitedh


2018”N12ŒŽ18“ϊ@KEK theory workshop 2018

(17-20 December 2018, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan)

gAn overview of string field theoryh


2018”N7ŒŽ18“ϊ Ό‹{“’μ‹L”O‘Ϋ‘ΨέŒ^Œ€‹†‰ο "New Frontiers in String Theory 2018"

 (July 2- August 3, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto, Japan)

gLight-cone gauge string field theory and dimensional regularization - Computation of FI D termsh


2017”N6ŒŽ25“ϊ SFT@HIT (June 23-25, 2017, Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel)

gMultiloop amplitudes of light-cone gauge superstring field theory: Odd spin structure contributionsh


2017”N3ŒŽ15“ϊ Recent Developments on Light Front

(March 14-16, 2017, Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics, Munich Germany)

gLight-cone gauge superstring field theory and dimensional regularizationh


2016”N9ŒŽ22“ϊ “ϊ–{•¨—Šw‰ο2016”NH‹G‘ε‰οi‹{θ‘εŠw–Ψ‰ΤƒLƒƒƒ“ƒpƒX@9ŒŽ21“ϊ-24“ϊj

gLight-cone gauge superstring field theory in linear dilaton backgroundh


2016”N6ŒŽ1“ϊ VIII Workshop on String Field Theory and Related Aspects

(May 31- June 3, 2016, International Center for Theoretical Physics, South American Institute for Fundamental Research, Sao Paulo, Brazil)

gLight-cone gauge superstring field theory in linear dilaton backgroundh



gDimensional regularization of light-cone gauge

superstring field theory and multiloop amplitudesh


2015”N5ŒŽ11“ϊ International Conference on String Field Theory and Related Aspects VII, SFT2015

(May 11-15, 2015, Center for Theoretical Physics, Sichuan University, ChengDu, China)

gDimensional regularization of light-cone gauge superstring

field theory and multiloop amplitudesh


2015”N3ŒŽ5“ϊ Œ·‚̏κ‚Μ—˜_‚P‚T“ή—Η

(2015”N3ŒŽ5-6“ϊ, “ޗǏ—Žq‘εŠwA“ή—Η)

gMultiloop amplitudes of light-cone gauge superstring field theory in noncritical dimensionsh


2014”N7ŒŽ29“ϊ String field theory and related aspects VI, SFT2014

(July 21-August 1, 2014, SISSA, Trieste, Italy)

gComments on the Takahashi-Tanimoto tachyon vacuum solutionh


2014”N2ŒŽ20“ϊ KEK Theory Workshop 2014

(February 18-21, 2014, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan)

gLight-cone gauge string field theory and dimensional regularizationh 


2013”N5ŒŽ18“ϊ κ‚Μ—˜_‚̐i“W

(May 18, 2013, YITP, Kyoto)



2012”N10ŒŽ31“ϊ String field theory and related aspects V

(October 28-November 1, 2012, Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel)

gEnergy from the Gauge Invariant Observablesh


2011”N9ŒŽ20“ϊ  String field theory 2011

(September 20-24, 2011, Institute of Physics, AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic)

gDimensional regularization of Wittenfs OSFTh


2010”N10ŒŽ18“ϊ@String field theory and related aspects

(October 18-22, 2010, YITP, Kyoto)

gLight-cone gauge String Field Theory and Dimensional Regularizationh



gLight-cone gauge String Field Theory and Dimensional Regularizationh


2010”N1ŒŽ5“ϊ uŒ·—˜_Œ€‹†‰οv

(January 5-6, 2010, —§‹³‘εŠw)

gLight-cone Gauge String Field Theory in Noncritical Dimensionsh


2009”N12ŒŽ7“ϊ APCTP Foucs Program on Current Trends in String Field Theory

(December 7-18, 2009, APCTP, Pohang, Korea)

gLight-cone gauge string field theory in noncritical dimensionsh



2007”N12ŒŽ9“ϊ@gProgress of String Theory and Quantum Field Theoryh

12/7-10, 2007 @ Media Center, Osaka City University

gD-branes and closed string field theoryh



@gD-branes and closed string field theoryh


2007”N2ŒŽ11“ϊ@Komaba 2007 gRecent Developments in Strings and Fieldsh

  gD-branes and closed string field theoryh