We will reveal the strong force that binds quarks, the smallest constituent of matter, within protons using large-scale lattice QCD calculations on the world class supercomputer, Fugaku, and develop new calculation methods incorporating AI technology for further large-scale simulations.
- 06/21/2024
- Yasumichi Aoki has joined our project.
- 05/01/2024
- Benjamin Jaedon Choi has joined our project.
- 02/14/2024
- Takeshi Yamazaki(PI) was selected for the FY2023 BEST FACULTY MEMBER of University of Tsukuba.
- 02/07/2024
- Akio Tomiya (Co-PI) was selected for the 29th Outstanding Paper Award of the Physical Society of Japan.
- 12/06/2023
- Joint symposium for the programs for promoting researches, December 18 – 20, 2023
- 10/25/2023
- The research group with the participation of our project members was selected for the HPCI Excellent Achievement Award Projects.