Yuji Ando


Key words


Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2024PhD, University of Tsukuba
Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2021Master, Nihon University
Apr. 2015 - Mar. 2019Undergraduate, Nihon University

Research Careers

Dec. 2024 - presentAssistant Professor at Mathematical Science Center for Co-creative Society, Tohoku University
Apr. 2024 - Nov. 2024Postdoctoral Reserch Fellow at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Jun. 2023 - Nov. 2023Research assistant at University of Tsukuba
Jun. 2022 - Nov. 2022Research assistant at University of Tsukuba
Dec. 2021 - Feb. 2022Research assistant at University of Tsukuba



Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024Suuri Fellowship at University of Tsukuba
Apr. 2022 - Mar. 2023Suuri Fellowship at University of Tsukuba
Apr. 2021 - Mar. 2022Suuri Fellowship at University of Tsukuba

Teach Careers

Apr. 2024 - Sep. 2024Part-time teacher at Japan International University
Apr. 2023 - Mar. 2024Teaching assistant at University of Tsukuba
May 2022 - Mar. 2023Teaching assistant at University of Tsukuba
Oct. 2021 - Mar. 2022Teaching assistant at University of Tsukuba


  1. “A consistent light-cone-gauge superstring field theory”
    Y. Ando, R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and J. T. Yoshinaka, arXiv:2411.19570 [hep-th], [iNSPIRE].
  2. “Fast-forward scaling theory for quantum dynamics on curved space-time”
    Y. Ando and S.Masuda, arXiv:2410.02235 [quant-ph], [iNSPIRE].
  3. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku theory”
    Y. Ando, arXiv:2310.14308 [hep-th], [iNSPIRE].
  4. “Energy from Ellwood invariant for solutions involving $X^0$ variables”
    Y. Ando and T. Suda, Eur.Phys.J.C 84 (2024) 6, 578, arXiv:2303.13789 [hep-th], [iNSPIRE].
  5. “The classical solutions with $k_-=0$ in Kaku theory”
    Y. Ando, PTEP 2023 (2023) 6, 063B02, arXiv:2302.03928 [hep-th], [iNSPIRE].

Invited Talks

  1. “Why do string field theorists passionately study homotopy algebra?”
    Meeting for Intersections of Nuclear and Other Researches, Osaka University, Mar. 8, 2024
  2. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku's bosonic string field theory”
    Theoretical Particle Physics Group Seminar, Nara Women's University, Dec. 15, 2023
  3. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku's bosonic string field theory”
    KOMABA Particle Theory Group Seminar, University of Tokyo, Oct. 5, 2023
  4. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku's bosonic string field theory”
    Particle Theory Group Seminar, Ibaraki University, Jul. 11, 2023
  5. “Recent developments of string field theory”
    2023年度第1回構成員会議・成果報告&交流会, Tomonaga Center for the History of the Universe, University of Tsukuba, Jun. 27, 2023
  6. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku's bosonic string field theory”
    Particle Theory Group Colloquium, Nihon University, May 12, 2023


    The following includes talks by collaborators and talks that are scheduled to take place.
    * represents the speaker, and for talks without *, the speaker is myself.

  1. “Relation between covariant and light-cone superstring field theory”
    *Y. Ando, R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and J. Yoshinaka, KEK Theory Workshop 2023, KEK, Japan, oral, Nov. 29, 2023
  2. “Field redifinition berween Witten and Kugo-Zwiebach superstring field theory”
    Y. Ando, R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and *J. Yoshinaka, JPS 78th Annual Meeting (18aRA21-5), Tohoku University, Japan, oral, Sep. 18, 2023
  3. “Derivation of similarity transformation from light-cone BRST charge to RNS BRST charge”
    Y. Ando, *R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and J. Yoshinaka, JPS 78th Annual Meeting (18aRA21-4), Tohoku University, Japan, oral, Sep. 18, 2023
  4. “Closed string amplitudes around tachyon vacuum solution in Kaku theory”
    Y. Ando, JPS 78th Annual Meeting (16aRA21-9), Tohoku University, Japan, oral, Sep. 16, 2023
  5. 「場の理論とホモトピー代数」
    Y. Ando, 69th YONUPA Summer School (No.20), National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Japan, poster, Aug. 19, 2023
  6. 「light-cone BRST chargeからRNS BRST chargeへの相似変換の導出」
    Y. Ando, *R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and J. Yoshinaka, 69th YONUPA Summer School (1-10), National Olympics Memorial Youth Center, Japan, oral, Aug. 18, 2023
  7. 「light-cone BRST chargeからRNS BRST chargeへの相似変換の導出」
    Y. Ando, *R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and J. Yoshinaka, 場の理論と弦理論2023, Kyoto University, Japan, oral, Aug. 7, 2023
  8. 「Witten型超弦の場の理論からKugo-Zwiebach型超弦の場の理論への場の再定義」
    Y. Ando, R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and *J. Yoshinaka, 場の理論と弦理論2023, Kyoto University, Japan, poster, Aug. 4, 2023
  9. “Open-closed string field theory using Kaku vertex”
    Y. Ando, 場の理論と弦理論2023, Kyoto University, Japan, poster, Aug. 4, 2023
  10. “The relation between covariant and lightcone superstring field theories”
    Y. Ando, R. Fujii, H. Kunitomo and *J. Yoshinaka, Integrability, Deformations and Chaos, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan, oral, Jul. 27, 2023
  11. “The open-closed string field theory using the Kaku vertex”
    Y. Ando, JPS 2023 Spring Meeting (23aS1-2), online, oral, Mar. 23, 2023
  12. 「Witten型ボソン開弦の場の理論における時間依存性のある解のエネルギーとEllwood不変量」
    Y. Ando and *T. Suda, 68th YONUPA Summer School (8B-2), online, oral, Aug. 9, 2022
  13. 「Kaku vertexを用いた弱い$A_\infty$ 構造のあるボソン開弦の場の理論」
    Y. Ando, 68th YONUPA Summer School (6B-2), online, oral, Aug. 9, 2022
  14. “The classical solution in Kaku model”
    Y. Ando, JPS 77th Annual Meeting (17aA531-4), online, oral, Mar. 17, 2022
  15. 「flag状態を用いた摂動的真空解」
    Y. Ando, 67th YONUPA Summer School, online, oral, Aug. 8, 2021
  16. “Intertwining solutions with general reference D branes”
    Y. Ando, JPS 76th Annual Meeting (13pS2-12), online, oral, Mar. 13, 2021
  17. “Intertwining field and boundary condition in Witten's bosonic open string field theory”
    *Y. Ando and A. Miwa, 第64回日本大学理工学部学術講演会 (O-18), online, oral, Dec. 2, 2020
  18. 「Wittenのボソン開弦の場の理論におけるintertwining解について(review)」
    Y. Ando, 素粒子若手オンライン研究会, online, oral, Aug. 28, 2020
