#author("2022-11-16T14:20:42+09:00","default:wikiadm","wikiadm") #author("2023-03-05T22:12:01+09:00","default:wikiadm","wikiadm") *2022年 [#b6204d9f] ***[[Seminar]] [#of0d691e] *List [#v4e05eee] Update: - &lastmod([[2022年度 素粒子論文献紹介]]); // |Soryushi Taro |[[XX月YY日>#seminar22XXYY]]| |(M2) Fukuchi |[[ 11月4日>#seminar221104]]| |(M2) Suda |[[ 11月11日>#seminar221111]]| |(M2) Yoshida |[[ 10月28日>#seminar221028]]| |Adachi || |Akiyama || |Ando || |Asano || |Fujimoto || |Ishibashi || |Ishiki |[[ 5月27日>#seminar220527]]| |Ishizuka |[[ 6月17日>#seminar220617]]| |Kanaya || |Kanno |[[ 6月24日>#seminar220624]]| |Kuramashi |[[ 7月 8日>#seminar220708]]| |Luo || |Mohri || |Ohno || |Satoh || |Takeda || |Taniguchi || |Ukita || |Watanabe || |Yamazaki || |Yoshie || *過去の文献紹介 [#qa26f24e] &aname(seminar211111); Date: Novenber 11, 2022 Speaker: Tomoya Suda Title: Generating string field theory solutions with matters from KBc algebra -[[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_221111_suda.pdf]] &aname(seminar211104); Date: Novenber 4, 2022 Speaker: Kota Fukuchi Title: 'QED self energies from lattice QCD without power-law finite-volume errors' and 'Lattice QCD Calculation of the Pion Mass Splitting' -[[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_221104_fukuchi.pdf]] &aname(seminar211028); Date: October 28, 2022 Speaker: Yuto Yoshida Title: Spherical transverse M5-branes from the plane wave matrix model -[[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_221028_yoshida.pdf]] &aname(seminar220624); Date: June 24, 2022 Speaker: Satoshi Kanno Title: Double scaling limits of Dirac ensembles and Liouville quantum gravity - [[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_220624_kanno.pdf]] &aname(seminar220617); Date: June 17, 2022 Speaker: Naruhito Ishizuka Title: Emergence of the ρ resonate from the HAL QCD potential in lattice QCD - [[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_220617_ishizuka.pdf]] &aname(seminar220527); Date: May 27, 2022 Speaker: Goro Ishiki Title: Bootstrapping Matrix Quantum Mechanics - [[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2022/journalclub_220527_ishiki.pdf]] // &aname(seminar21pppp); // Date: TBA // Speaker: TBA // Title: TBA // -[[ref:hogehoge]] // -[[slides(pdf):http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/sokuhou/2021/journalclub_21xxxx_xxx.pdf]]