[List of members in alphabetical order]
Nguyen Oanh 氏
``Semileptonic form factor fK→π+(0) and a precision test of the CKM matrix''
reference: PRD 80, 111502(R) (2009), arXiv:1004.0886 [hep-lat], arXiv:1011.4408 [hep-lat]
滑川 裕介 氏
``The Z(4430)± Charmoniumlike Mesons''
reference: arXiv:1101.2246 [hep-ex]
中村 宜文 氏
``Filtered topological structure of the QCD vacuum: effects of dynamical quarks''
reference: Phys. Let. B 687, 92 (2010)
毛利 健司 氏
``Mirror Symmetry for del Pezzo Surfaces: Vanishing Cycles and Coherent Sheaves''
reference: arXiv:0506166 [math.AG]
藏増 嘉伸 氏
``Search for the H-dibaryon resonance in 12C (K-,K+ΛΛX)''
reference: PRC 75, 022201(R) (2007)
金谷 和至 氏
``Thermal momentum distribution from path integrals with shifted boundary conditions''
reference: arXiv:1011.2727 [hep-lat]
土井 琢身 氏
``Charge Symmetry Breaking in Parton Distribution Functions from Lattice QCD''
reference: arXiv:1012.0215 [hep-lat]
石塚 成人 氏
``Preliminary results of ΔI=1/2 and ΔI=3/2, K to ππ Decay Amplitude from Lattice QCD''
reference: arXiv:1010.3768 [hep-lat]
石橋 延幸 氏
``Thermodynamical Aspects of Gravity''
reference: arXiv:0911.5004 [gr-qc]
八田 佳孝 氏
``Observation of long-range, near-side angular correlations in proton-proton collisions at the LHC''
reference: arXiv:1009.4122 [hep-ex]
吉江 友照 氏
``Delta function singularity in the Reduction of Radial Schrodinger Equation''
reference: arXiv:1009.3612 [math-th]
青木 愼也 氏
``A general approach to the sign problem -the factorization method with multiple observables''
reference: arXiv:1009.4504 [cond-mat.stat-mech]
浮田 尚哉 氏
``Quantum gravitational contributions to quantum electrodynamics''
reference: arXiv:1010.0793 [hep-th]
植田 高寛 氏
reference: arXiv:1008.1997 [hep-ph]
上田 悟 氏
``The size of the proton''
reference: Nature 466, 213 (2010)
谷口 裕介 氏
``Properties and uses of the Wilson flow in lattice QCD''
reference: arXiv:0907.5491 [hep-lat], arXiv:1006.4518 [hep-lat]
馬場 隆行 氏
``On certain aspects of string theory/gauge theory correspondence''
reference: arXiv:0502180 [hep-th]
岩井 雄大 氏
``Thermodynamic Bethe anzats in relativistic models: Scaling 3-state Potts and Lee-Yang models''
reference: Nucl. Phys. B342, 695-720 (1990)
佐藤 勇二 氏
``Y-system for Scattering Amplitudes''
reference: arXiv:1002.2459 [hep-th]
武田 光平 氏
``The effects of topological charge change in heavy ion collisions: “Event by event P and CP violation”''
reference: arXiv:0711.0950 [hep-ph]
佐々木 健志 氏
``Single-pole nature of Λ(1405) and structure of K-pp''
reference: arXiv:1002.2560 [nucl-th]
齋藤 華 氏
``Charged Particle Ratio Fluctuation as a Signal for QGP''
reference: arXive:0003168 [hep-ph]
伊藤 新助 氏
``New Constraint on a Strongly Interacting Higgs Sector''
reference: PRL 65, 964-967 (1990), PRD 46, 381-409 (1992)
大野 浩史 氏
``The deconfinement transition of finite density QCD with heavy quarks from strong coupling series''
reference: arXive:0911.2577 [hep-lat]