[List of members in alphabetical order]
大野 浩史 氏
``Charmonium correlators and spectral functions at finite temperature''
reference: arXiv:0901.3023
Nguyen O. H. 氏
``Generalized Parton Distributions of Pion from LQCD''
reference: hep-lat/0509133
滑川 裕介 氏
``Charm quark masses from sum rules and lattice QCD''
reference: hep-ph/0702103 arXiv:0805.2999
村野 啓子 氏
``Effective Field Theory''
reference: nucl-th/0611087
毛利 健司 氏
``Branes and Quantization''
reference: arXive:0809.0305 [hep-th]
松尾 俊寛 氏
``A tree theorem for Inflation''
reference: arXive:0805.3781 [hep-th]
藏増 嘉伸 氏
reference: Phys. Lett. B667(2008)1 [PDG2008] arXive:0801.1817 [hep-lat]
金谷 和至 氏
``strangeness による原子核の収縮について''
reference: doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.94.212303, doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.1982, arXive:0501040 [nucl-th]
石塚 成人 氏
``Efficient use of the Generalized Eigenvalue Problem''
reference: arXive:0808.1017 [hep-lat]
石井 理修 氏
``The first lattice QCD calculation of systems comprised of more than two hadrons''
reference: PRL 100,082004 (2008)
石橋 延幸 氏
``Conformal properties of four-gluon planar amplitudes and Wilosn loops''
reference: arXive:0707.0243 [hep-th]
八田 佳孝氏
``Introduction to graphene''
青木 愼也 氏
``Sign problem? No problem - a conjecture''
reference: arXive:0808.2987 [hep-lat]
吉江 友照 氏
``Simulating the All-Order Strong Coupling Expansion I: Ising Model Demo''
reference: arXive:0808.3934 [hep-lat]
梅田 貴士 氏
``Towards a controlled study of the QCD critical point''
reference: arXive:0807.0860v1 [hep-lat]
小川 竜矢 氏
``Light-like tachyon condensation in Open String Field Theory''
reference: arXive:0803.1184 [hep-th]
浮田 尚哉 氏
``Static Equilibria of Rigid Bodies: Dice, Pebbles, and the Poincare-Hopf Theorem''
reference: J.Nonlinear Sci. Vol. 16: pp.255-281 (2006)
上田 悟 氏
``New overlap construction of Weyl fermions on lattice''
reference: arXive:0802.2496 [hep-lat]
谷口 裕介 氏
``Confinement for all values of the coupling in four-dimensional SU(2) gauge theory''
reference: arXive:0707.2179 [hep-th], arXive:0711.4930 [hep-th], arXive:0712.2620 [hep-th], arXive:0803.3019 [hep-th]
武田 光平 氏
``Strange quark contribution to nucleon form factors''
reference: arXive:0710.5536 [hep-lat]
佐藤 勇二 氏
``Fusion of conformal interfaces''
reference: arXive:0712.0076 [hep-th]
斎藤 卓 氏
``Gauge Symmetry and Supersymmetry of Multiple M2-Branes''
reference: arXive:0711.0955 [hep-th]
大野 浩史 氏
``Can quarkonia survive deconfinement?''
reference: arXive:0705.2559 [hep-ph]
Nguyen Hoang Oanh 氏
``Lattice QCD with a twisted mass term and a strange quark''
reference: Eur.Phys.J.A31 (2007) 773