[List of members in alphabetical order]
田宮 亮 氏
``Rolling to tachyon vacuum in string field theory''
滑川 裕介 氏
``Charmonium from Lattice QCD''
reference: arXiv:0711.1600[hep-ph]
中村 庸介 氏
``Non-perturbative renormalization of static-light four-fermion operators in quenghed lattice QCD''
reference: arXiv:0706.4153[hep-lat]
村野 啓子 氏
``Heavy Quark Effective Theory computation of the mass of the bottom quark''
reference: arXiv:0609294v3[hep-ph] hep-lat/0310035
蔵増 嘉伸 氏
``Speeding up HMC with better integrators''
reference: arXiv:0710.3611[hep-lat]
加堂 大輔 氏
``Observing dynamical supersymmetry breaking with euclidean lattice simulations''
reference: arXiv:0711.2132v1[hep-lat]
石塚 成人 氏
``Scalar meson on lattice''
reference: arXiv:0710.0985[hep-lat] arXiv:0710.2470[hep-lat] arXiv:0710.1262[hep-lat]
石井 理修 氏
`' Lattice calculation of the QGP viscosities -Present results and next project-''
石橋 延幸 氏
`` Deconstruction of Unparticles ''
井出 健智 氏
`` On the Twin Paradox in a Universe with a Compact Dimension ''
波田野 直道 氏
`` Emergence of Fluctuations from a Tachyonic Big Bang ''
馬場 裕 氏
`` Gluon scattering amplitudes at strong coupling ''
青木 愼也 氏
武田 光平 氏
``Nucleon electromagnetic form factors from lattice QCD''
大野 浩史 氏
``Charmonium properties in deconfinement phase in anisotropin lattice QCD''
吉江 友照 氏
``Classes of confining gauge field configurations''
梅田 貴士 氏
``Sequential charmonium dissociation''
浮田 尚哉 氏
``On the restoration of supersymmetry in twisted two-dimensional lattice Yang-Mills theory''
上田 悟 氏
``Dynamical twisted mass fermions with light quarks''
reference: hep-lat/0701012
谷口 裕介 氏
``Warped domain wall fermion''
reference: hep-lat/0503011
佐藤 勇二 氏
``Entanglement in Quantum Critical Phenomena''
reference: (quant-ph/0211074)