[List of members in alphabetical order]
新谷 栄悟 氏
``String excitation energies in SU(N) gauge theories beyond the free-string approximation''
note: shintani050225.ps
reference: (hep-th/0406205)
中村 庸介 氏
``Möbius Fermions: Improved Domain Wall Chiral Fermions''
note: nakamura050218.pdf
reference: (hep-lat/0409118)
蔵増 嘉伸 氏
``Evidence for Pentaquarks''
note: kuramashi050204.pdf
reference: (hep-ex/0412048) , (hep-ex/0412077)
毛利 健司 氏
``Holonomy of D-Branes''
note: mohri050128.ps
reference: (hep-th/0204199)
金谷 和至 氏
``Automatically generating Feynman rules for improved lattice field theories''
note: kanaya050114.pdf
reference: (hep-lat/0411026)
茅場 靖剛 氏
``SU(3)-breaking effects in kaon semileptonic decays from lattice QCD''
note: kayaba041203.ps
reference: (hep-lat/0411016)
片桐 奏羽 氏
``Introduction to the Classical Theory of Higher Spins''
reference: (hep-th/0405069)
石塚 成人 氏
``Staggered Eigenvalue Mimicry''
reference: (hep-lat/0406027) (hep-lat/0409018)
石川 智己 氏
``String-net condensation: A physical mechanism for topological phases''
reference: (cond-mat/0404617)
石橋 延幸 氏
``Pure Spinors are Higher-Dimensional Twistors''
reference: (hep-th/0409243)
井出 健智 氏
``Pentaquark Searches at CDF''
reference: (hep-ex/0410024)
Oliver Baer 氏
``Positivity and topology in lattice gauge theory''
reference: (hep-lat/0409017)
荒木 健二 氏
``Yang-Mills Correlation Functions from Integrable Spin Chains''
reference: (hep-th/0407140)
青木 慎也 氏
``New Ways to Solve the Schrodinger Equation''
reference: (quant-ph/0407207)
雨宮 嘉照 氏
``Heisenberg algebra for restricted Landau problem''
reference: (hep-th/0408209)
波多野 直道 氏
``The Bethe Ansatz for N=4 Super Yang-Mills''
reference: (hep-th/0212208)
馬場 裕 氏
``MHV vertices and tree amplitudes in gauge theory''
reference: (hep-th/0403047)
吉江 友照 氏
``Spectrum of Nucleon Excited States''
reference: (hep-lat/0405006)
宇川 彰 氏
``Recent results from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD simulation with improved staggered quark action by HPQCD+MILC+UKQCD''
reference: (hep-lat/0402030) (Phys.Rev.D 64(2001)054506)
武田 真滋 氏
``Decay constant from Schroedinger functional''
reference: (hep-lat/9903040) (hep-lat/0302016) (hep-lat/0307005)
鈴木 隆平 氏
``Critical point of QCD at finite $T$ and $\mu$, lattice results for physical quark masses''
reference: (hep-lat/0402006)
新谷 栄悟 氏
``Topological effects in QCD and the problem of short-distance singularities''
reference: (hep-th/0404034)
佐藤 勇二 氏
``Flat Space Physics from Holography''
reference: (hep-th/0402058)