[List of members in alphabetical order]
滑川 裕介 氏
``Chiral Perturbation Theory for Vector Mesons''
reference: Phys.Rev.Lett.75(1995)2272, (hep-ph/9506356)
中村 庸介 氏
``Measurement of Negative Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment''
reference: (hep-ex/0401008)
毛利 健司 氏
``Quantum Calabi-Yau and Classical Crystals'', ``Quantum Form and Topological Strings'', ``Gromov-Witten Theory and Donaldson-Thomas Theory''
reference: (hep-th/0309208) , (hep-th/0312022) , (math.AG/0312059)
茅場 靖剛 氏
``Chiral Multiplets of Heavy-Light Mesons''
reference: (hep-ph/0305049) , Phys. Rev. D68(2003)054024
最上 武志 氏
``A complete classification of D-branes in Type IIB Plane Wave Background''
reference: (hep-th/0310177)
片桐 奏羽 氏
``Dijkgraaf-Vafa theory as Large-N reduction''
reference: (hep-th/0303210) , (hep-th/0312026)
金谷 和至 氏
``Connecting lattice QCD with chiral perturbation theory at strong coupling'',``Chiral limit of strongly coupled lattice QCD at finite temperatures''
reference: (hep-lat/0401002) , Phys.Rev. D68(2003)091501(R), (hep-lat/0309025)
石塚 成人 氏
``Chiral Logs in Quenched QCD''
reference: (hep-lat/0304005)
石川 智己 氏
``D-Theory: Field Quantization by Dimensional Reduction of Discrete Variables'', ``Quantum Spins and Quantum Links: The D-Theory Approach to Field Theory''
reference: (hep-lat/0309182) , Nucl.Phys. B(Proc.Suppl.)73(1999)146
石橋 延幸 氏
``A Matrix Model Dual of Type0B String Theory in Two Dimensions'', ``A New Hat for the c=1 Matrix Model''
reference: (hep-th/0307083) (hep-th/0307195)
井出 健智 氏
``Experimental extraction of an entangled photon pair from two identically decohered pairs''
reference: Nature 421(2003)343
Oliver B"ar 氏
``Parity and CT realization in QCD''
reference: Phys.Rev.Lett.83,1518(1999), (hep-th/9901068)
荒木 健二 氏
``Non-commutative superspace from string''
reference: (hep-th/0302078)
青木 愼也 氏
``Lattice QCD and the Schwarz alternating procedure''
reference: (hep-lat/0304007)
雨宮 嘉照 氏
``On instantons and zero modes of N=1/2 SYM theory''
reference: (hep-th/0308171)
吉江 友照 氏
``Lattice calculations of the muon anomalous magnetic moment''
reference: Phys.Rev.Lett.91(2003)052001, (hep-lat/0212018)
山崎 剛 氏
``The spectrum of D_s mesons from lattice QCD''
reference: Phys.Lett.B569(2003)41, (hep-th/0307001)
山口 貴史 氏
``Non-Perturbative Effects in Matrix models and D-branes''
reference: (hep-th/0306177)
宇川 彰 氏
``Newly discovered penta-quark hadron and lattice QCD''
reference: Phys.Rev.Lett.91(2003)012002, (hep-lat/0309090) etc.
武田 真滋 氏
``A strategy to compute the b-quark mass with non-perturbative accuracy''
reference: Nucl.Phys.Proc.Suppl. 106(2002)358
壽崎 義明 氏
``Large N reduction in the continuum three(and four)-dimensional Yang-Mills theory''
reference: (hep-lat/0303023), (hep-lat/0308033)
新谷 栄悟 氏
``Optimal lattice domain-wall fermions''
reference: Phys.Rev.Lett. 90, 071601 (2003)
滑川 裕介 氏
``First year Wilkinson microwave anisotory probr (WMAP) observations: preliminary maps and basic results''
reference: (astro-ph/0302207)
中村 庸介 氏
``Locality properties of Neuberger's lattice Dirac operator''
reference: Nucl.Phys. B552 (1999) 363
高野 智暢 氏
``Phases of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories and matrices''
reference: (hep-th/0301006)
鈴木 隆平 氏
``Factorization method for simulating QCD at finite density''
reference: (hep-lat/304015)
佐藤 勇二 氏
``String theory on AdS in the strong curvature limit''
reference: (hep-th/0304107), (hep-th/0304062)
小野田 泰三 氏
``Why 3+1 metric rather than 4+0 or 2+2?''
reference: (hep-th/0108067)
毛利 健司 氏
``Derived Category Automorphisms from Mirror Symmetry''
reference: (math.AG/0103231), (hep-th/0209161)
最上 武志 氏
Review of ``The Heisenberg uncertainty relation: Limitaiton and reformulation''
reference: (quant-ph/0210044)
茅場 靖剛 氏
``QCD factorization for exclusive non-leptonic B meson decays''
reference: Nucl.Phys. B591(2000)313, (hep-lat/0302145)