*2018年 [#n19b6830]

***[[Seminar]] [#ve1588b2]

 日時: April 24 (Tue.) 15:00-16:00
 場所: Workshop room at CCS
 講演者: Yuma Asano (KEK)
 タイトル: Phase transitions in the BMN matrix model

-[http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/Seminar/tsukuba-only/2018/seminar20180424_Asano.pdf 2018/04/24:slides(pdf)]

 日時: June 21 (Thu.) 15:00-16:00
 場所: Workshop room at CCS
 講演者: Sotaro Sugishita (Osaka U.)
 タイトル: Memory effects and asymptotic symmetries

-[http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/Seminar/tsukuba-only/2018/seminar20180621_Sugishita.pdf 2018/06/21:slides(pdf)]

 日時: June 28 (Thu.) 14:00-15:00
 場所: Workshop room at CCS
 講演者: Enrico Rinaldi (RBRC)
 タイトル: New results on strongly-coupled theories near the conformal window
 Lattice gauge theory is a robust framework to study non-perturbative physics 
 and it is amenable to numerical simulations. It has been successfully used to 
 study the low-energy regime of QCD. Modern-day lattice simulation codes are 
 actually flexible enough that users can change the theory being simulated: we 
 can study different number of colors $N_c$, number of quarks $N_f$ and quarks 
 in different representations $N_r$, in addition to the usual parameters, gauge 
 coupling $\beta$ and quark masses $m_f$.These new theories, although 
 interesting in their own rights as well-defined gauge theories, can be used as 
 templates to study physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). In particular, as 
 tentative candidates for a dynamical mechanism to break the electroweak 
 symmetry and replace the Higgs sector, they need to be close to the conformal 
 window in order to satisfy stringent experimental constraints. I will report on 
 a particular SU(3) gauge theory with 8 fermions in the fundamental 
 representation. In particular I will highlight how lattice simulations of 
 the flavor-singlet scalar and pseudoscalar spectrum compare to QCD and how the 
 observed features in the spectrum indicate the possibility that the theory is 
 very close to the conformal window.

-[http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/Seminar/tsukuba-only/2018/seminar20180628_rinaldi.pdf 2018/06/28:slides(pdf)]

 日時: July 4 (Wed.) 16:30-15:30
 場所: Meeting room A at CCS
 講演者: Guru Charan (Dayalbagh Educational Institute)
 タイトル: M/N & 1/N Anomalous Dimensions in Chern-Simons Theories

-[http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/Seminar/tsukuba-only/2018/seminar20180704_Charan.pdf 2018/07/04:slides(pdf)]

 日時: October 26 (Fri.) 14:00-15:00
 場所: Workshop room at CCS
 講演者: Issaku Kanamori (Hiroshima University)
 タイトル: TBA

-[http://www-het.ph.tsukuba.ac.jp/Seminar/tsukuba-only/2018/seminar20181026_Kanamori.pdf 2018/10/26:slides(pdf)]

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